Patient journey
Respiratory allergies follow a chronic and progressing disease course, especially when left untreated1.
Allergic rhinitis is often underdiagnosed, and a patient may have waited six years after the onset of symptoms to see a specialist2.
may have waited
years after the onset
of symptoms to see a
million people3
suffer from allergic
Asthma and allergic
rhinitis are estimated
to result in more than
million4 lost workdays
and missed school
days every year
Food allergy symptoms are most common in babies and children but can appear at any age, and people can develop an allergy to foods they have eaten for years without any allergic reaction5.
Symptoms can appear a few minutes after ingesting a food and up to two hours later6. Food allergy reactions include a variety of clinical conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract, skin and lungs, as well as sometimes fatal anaphylaxis7.
Food allergy diagnosis is difficult and about 50-60% percent of all blood tests and skin prick tests will yield a “false positive” result8.
Last updated on: 2024-08-29